John Boija
Date of birth: July 22, 1971
Address: Palmstruchs väg 12, SE-187 65 Täby, Sweden
Mobile phone: +46 (0)70 746 72 22
Web site:
- Master of Business Administration (MBA), Warwick (UK) 2015
- Master of Law (LL.M.), Stockholm (SE) 1999
- European Master of Law and Economics (EMLE), Rotterdam (NL) / Hamburg (DE) / Vienna (AT) 1998
- Courses attended at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (NL) 1997: International Sales,
Introduction to Dutch Law from a Comparative Perspective, English Legal Language
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 120 p, Stockholm (incomplete)
- Certified Internet Web Professional, London (UK) 2005
- Upper school degree in business administration (3 years) 1990
Work experience
- 2020-
Permobil AB: Indirect Purchasing Manager, IT
- 2017-20
IBM Business Process Services, Europe: Commercial Contract Manager
- 2006-17
IBM Procurement, Nordic: Sourcing Buyer, Client Services Procurement, Nordic Business Controls Manager
- 2000-06 IBM Svenska AB: Web Developer, Nordic PCD Relationship Manager
- 2004 Procurer of exclusive vintage cars for export to Sweden,
covering USA's east coast from New York to Miami
- 1999-2000 IBM Ireland Ltd., Data
Management and S/390 Software Sales Specialist
- 1999 Connectra International Ltd, web-designer
- 1996-97 Körkortsjuridiska Byrån,
secretary/assistant, Read character!
- 1990-96 Amazon-Doktorn, founder and senior partner, Read character!
- 1990 & 92 Stiftelsen
Internationella Vadstena-Akademien, stage manager/economic & administrative
assistant, Read character!
- 1989-96 Täby Kommun,
switchboard operator/salary assistant/janitor/audio-video-operator/designer
- 1988 Postgirot customer relations, assistant
Experience from various organizations
- Member of the Stockholms FBU-förbunds firearms associations board, since 1997
- Senior editor of the Svenska Volvo PV-klubbens newsletter PV-Notiser, 30 issues
between 1994-1997, 2002-2004, Read
- VP Marketing for ELSA, European Law Students Association, Stockholm 1996-97
- Editor and Layout-responsible for ELSA Swedens national newsletter ELSIUS 1997
- Treasurer for Stockholms Nordöstra Hemvärnskrets Ungdomskompanis kamratförening
- Military service as Infantry Liaison Officer (KB) at I19/P5 in upper Norrland 1991-92
(marks X 8 8) including extensive leadership training, initiatives and responsibility.
- President of a local electoral area at general elections in Sweden
- Swedish drivers license: * B* ** **
Computer experience
- Working professionally as Web Developer
- PC proficiency (both hardware and software) since 1992
- Large Internet and BBS-experience
- IBM, Lotus, Microsoft and various other applications, DTP: Adobe PageMaker and PhotoShop
Language skills
Swedish: native. English: fluent (general, legal & business), German: very
good, Italian: fair, Spanish: fair, knowledge in others
- restoring classic sportscars
- playing boogie-woogie piano, Listen!
- writing articles from my journeys, Read articles!
- President Andrew C. Mafeld, Connectra
International Ltd. Tel +44 961 306055, e-mail:
- Former director of personnel at STORA-koncernen Sten
Hofvenstam, Falun. Tel. +46 23 174 09