T r a v e l s / R e s o r
Where? / Var? | Why? / Varför? | When? / När? | Comment / Kommentar |
Albania / Albanien |
vacation / semester | 2009 | |
Andorra |
vacation / semester | 2008 | |
Australia / Australien |
vacation / semester | 2014 | Only the Victoria region |
Austria / Österrike |
studies / studier | multiple / flera | All regions |
Belarus / Vitryssland |
vacation / semester | 2009 | Mainly the Gomel region and Minsk |
Belgium / Belgien |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions |
Bosnia / Bosnien | vacation / semester | 1998, 2009 | Western and southern Bosnia |
Brazil / Brasilien | vacation / semester | 2006 | Only the state of Ceara |
Bulgaria / Bulgarien | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions |
Croatia / Kroatien | vacation / semester | 1998, 2009, 2011 | All regions |
Czech Republic / Tjeckien | vacation / semester | 1998, 2009 | I also visited this area in 1990 when it was still a part of Czechoslovakia |
Czechoslovakia / Tjeckoslovakien | vacation / semester | 1990 | This country was divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1992 |
Denmark / Danmark | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | Most regions |
DR Congo / Kongo Kinshasa (RDC) | business / arbete | 2011 | Kinshasa |
East Germany / Östtyskland (DDR) | vacation / semester | 1990 | This country ceased to exist when it was reunited with Germany later in 1990 |
Estonia / Estland | vacation / semester | 1994, 2007 | All regions |
Finland | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | Mainly the west coast & the north |
France / Frankrike | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions. Special section for Paris |
Germany / Tyskland | studies / studier | multiple / flera | All regions, both east and west |
Great Britain / Storbritannien | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions: Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland |
Greece / Grekland | vacation / semester | 2000, 2012 | Chalkidiki + the islands Santorini & Crete |
Hungary / Ungern | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions |
Iceland / Island | stopover / mellanlandning | multiple / flera | Reykjavik only |
India / Indien | vacation / semester | 2017 | Chandigarh, New Delhi and Taj Mahal (Agra) only |
Irish Republic / Irland |
business / arbete | multiple / flera | All regions: vacation 1986, 2007, work 1999-2000 |
Italy / |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | Both northern & southern Italy including Sicily. Note the special section for Carnivale di Venezia |
Kenya | business / arbete | 2010, 2011 | Nairobi, Nakuru & Nakuru national park |
Latvia / Lettland |
vacation / semester | 2009 | |
Liechtenstein |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | |
Lithuania / Litauen |
vacation / semester | 2009 | |
Luxemburg |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | |
Macedonia / Makedonien |
vacation / semester | 2009 | |
Madagascar / Madagaskar | business / arbete | 2011 | Antananarivo |
Malawi | business / arbete | 2011 | Blantyre & Lilongwe |
Monaco |
vacation / semester | 1995, 2005 | |
Montenegro |
vacation / semester | 2009 | |
Morocco / Marocko |
vacation / semester | 2008 | Agadir & Marakech |
Netherlands / Nederländerna |
studies / studier | multiple / flera | All regions |
Nigeria | business / arbete | 2011 | Lagos |
Norway / Norge |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions |
Poland / Polen | vacation / semester | 2003, 2011 | |
Romania / Rumänien |
vacation / semester | 1998, 2007 | Transylvania |
San Marino | vacation / semester | 2000 | |
Serbia / Serbien | vacation / semester | 2009, 2011 | |
Seychelles / Seychellerna | business / arbete | 2011 | Mahé island |
Slovakia / Slovakien |
vacation / semester | 1998, 2009, 2011 | |
Slovenia / Slovenien |
vacation / semester | 1998, 2009, 2011 | |
Spain / Spanien |
vacation / semester | multiple / flera | Most regions. Special section for Madrid |
Sweden / Sverige | native / infödd | multiple / flera | All regions |
Switzerland / Schweiz | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | All regions |
Tanzania | business / arbete | 2011 | Dar es Salaaam & Zanzibar |
Turkey / Turkiet | vacation / semester | 2009 | Crossing the Bosporus bridges from Europe to Asia |
Uganda | business / arbete | 2011 | Kampala & Entebbe |
United Arab Emirats / Förenade Arabemiraten | business / arbete | 2000, 2011 | Dubai & Abu Dhabi |
USA / Förenta Staterna | vacation / semester | multiple / flera | Mainly the Washington DC area but also AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA and New York |
The Vatican / Vatikanen | vacation / semester | 2000 | The pope was not present |
Zambia | business / arbete | 2011 | Lusaka, Livingstone & Victoria falls |